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 Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]

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Ciel Fonteroy

Ciel Fonteroy

Mesaje : 46
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 4:08 am

Îi zâmbesc, cât îmi dădeam jos pălăria. Îmi dau şuviţa din ochi, pentru că deja mă enerva şi o arunc după ureche.
-Eu mai vreau. spun terminând restul de whiski dintr-o înghiţitură.
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Mesaje : 34
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 4:11 am

- Să nu te îmbeţi! îi spuse tânăra pe tonul catifelat,şi blând, timp în care începuse să se joace vioaie cu brăţările de la mână.
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Ciel Fonteroy

Ciel Fonteroy

Mesaje : 46
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 4:21 am

-Eu?! Beat?! Nu, draga mea, eşti nebună! îi spun ţinându-mă cu greu să fiu cât mai serios. Nu-mi reuşise. Am pufnit în râs înainte să termin tot ce aveam de spus.
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Mesaje : 34
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 4:35 am

Michelle râse amuzată şi începu sa lovească ritmic, din nou, bara metalică.
- Eh, atunci să sperăm că nu te îmbeţi!
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Ciel Fonteroy

Ciel Fonteroy

Mesaje : 46
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 5:20 am

Râd la auzul vorbelor ei, lăsând capul într-o parte.
-Nu te speria.
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Mesaje : 34
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 5:23 am

- Nici nu o fac, dar nu-mi plac bărbaţii care se îmbată, îi spuse ea pe aceka si ton şi clipi de câteva ori, zâmbitoare.
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Ciel Fonteroy

Ciel Fonteroy

Mesaje : 46
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 5:46 am

-Aha... răspund către ea zâmbind. Păi eu nu mă prea îmbăt. Ştiu până unde pot să merg. îi spun.
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Mesaje : 34
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iul 11, 2011 11:19 am

- Ştii ? Asta e bine, cred! surâse tânără şi începu să se joace cu paharul.
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Ciel Fonteroy

Ciel Fonteroy

Mesaje : 46
Data de inscriere : 10/07/2011

Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeMar Iul 12, 2011 1:26 am

-Cel mai bine! îi răspund vu un zâmbet sadic pe faţă.
Îmi înăbuş un căscat monoton, tipic mie la ora unu noapte, şi îmi scutur capul.
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Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]   Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy] - Pagina 2 Icon_minitime

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Your eyes, those curves, it's like you're from some other world [private, only Michelle and Ciel Fonteroy]
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